About me

I started my scientific journey studying physics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Shortly after completing my M.Sc. degree in computational physics, I moved to the picturesque alpine town of Annecy, France, where I did my PhD in experimental particle physics at CERN. If you’d like to know more, you can find my PhD thesis here.

Since then, I’ve made the switch from academia to industry and nowadays work as a data scientist. While the topic differs, the approach is very much the same: Combine theoretical insights with large amounts of data to extract valuable knowledge from what looks at first glance like blooming, buzzing confusion.

I revel in the problem-solving aspect, but I don’t want to stop there: Being able to communicate my findings and their theoretical underpinnings to audiences of wildly varying different backgrounds has always been dear to my heart.

When I am sifting through bits and bytes, you will often find me running or cycling in the mountains. Apart from a slight obsession with challenges of all kinds, I also just love being outdoors! And then there’s painting, which is my preferred form of meditation - have a look here if you’re curious.

“To learn is a natural pleasure, not confined to philosophers, but common to all men.” Aristotle
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2024 - current Postdoctoral Fellow Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
2021 - 2023 Lead Data Scientist Tempr.
2020 - 2021 Data Scientist Dreamin
2016 - 2019 PhD Particle Physics CERN
2014 - 2016 MSc Computational Physics Aristotle Un. of Thessaloniki
2008 - 2014 BSc Physics Aristotle Un. of Thessaloniki


Computer Vision Anomaly Detection
Anomaly detection in MNIST digits using unsupervised learning and evaluates the model's performance with ROC AUC.

Parkison UPDR-scores Forecasting
Predictions of MDS-UPDR scores, which measure progression in patients with Parkinson's disease.

Time Series Forecasting
Time series forecasting using the ARIMA model.

EDA Cancer Deaths
Exploratory data analysis (EDA) on global death data from 1990 to 2019.

Multi-Armed Bandit
A Multiarmed Bandit algorithm using the UCB algorithm.

Data Imputation
Addressing the challenge of missing values in time series datasets and evaluating different imputation methods to improve accuracy.

Google Foobar Challenge 2022
Complete solutions of all levels in Google programming challenge.

Portofolio Projects
A summary of projects I was working during my PhD and my current job.


Knowledge transfer is one of the key aspects of science. I was always driven by outreach activities, I like to simplify and visualise any scientific concept I am working on. A selected sample of my work is given below.

Artifical Intelligence - Basics
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Neural Networks Introduction
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Data visualisations, the basics and more advance techiques.
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From Academia to Data Science
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PhD thesis presentation


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EDA tips in restaurant dashboard

Healthcare Data Analysis dasboard

Interactive Dashboards with Panel
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